Ms. Balo's Classroom

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Journalism #5

The first editorial assigment is finished. It took FOREVER!! After grading them, all of you did an excellent job. I know it's the first assignment - but what did you learn?


At 3:04 PM, Blogger 7876sg said...

I learned from our first editorial assignment that an editorial can be presented to the reader in a variety of ways. These ways are Praise, Critical, Moralizing, Interpretation, Entertainment, Photo, Ten-Second, Sustained, Appeal, Endorsement, and Historical Perspective. I learned what makes a good editorial lead, and what makes a bad editorial lead. Good editorial leads state the authors opinion, as well as gives the topic of the essay. I truely benefited from this assignment.

At 4:43 AM, Blogger 8826nb said...

After finishing my first editorial assignment, I've learned many things. First, I realized there are many different types of editorials. Second, I learned that editorials can be written mostly about everything, not just politics. Finally, I was taught that editorials are usually written from other stories found in the news. They take a different view of a story and write about it.


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